Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trying it out

Well, besides Myspace I havent really "blogged" before. So I am going to give this a shot and see how it works out.
Last weekend was so busy for Madison and I, that she didnt get a nap in either day. Saturday we went to the circus with Cristina and Britney. It was Madisons first circus, and she LOVED it! I think the thing that she liked to watch the most was the elephants. She had the oppertunity to ride one, but decided to pass because they we TOOOO BIGGG! She sat great through the whole 3 hour performance, and fell asleep on the way home.
On Sunday, Gram helped me teach Sunday School (which was a big help), then after we went to get pumpkins, and went to the Como ZooBoo with some friends from church, Kinsey and Breagha.
We ended up going to 2 different patches. The first one we went to, most of their pumpkins had green on them! I also thought that it was "pick your own". But they told me that they get delivered. I always liked the "pick your own" ones anyway, so we just rode the hayride and left. The second one that we went to is the same one that we have gone to for the past 3 years! I like it a lot (although their prices have gone up)! Berry Hill Farms is the name of it. They have animals, pumpkins, treats, hayrides, and a corn maze. All of their pumpkins this year were HUGE! There didnt seem to be a small one in the whole field! We should have just went to this one in the beginning, but I wanted to try something different.
When we got home, Madison took a rest on the couch for about an hour and then we started to get ready to ZooBoo. We had never gone to this before, so we were really looking forward to it. When we got to the park and ride there were school buses to take us to the zoo. Madison has always wanted to ride in a bus just like the girls at daycare, but when she found out that we got to ride in one... she changed her mind. She told me "I am not riding that bus!"
When it was time to board the bus though, she was just fine (as long as both my arms were around her).
ZooBoo was really fun. They didnt just hand out candy, they had all sorts of different things for the kids. Some of the zoo workers were dressed up and waving at the kids. It was just a really fun experience over all. Madison had asked if we get to go back... so thats a plus too.

This weekend wont be as busy for us. Tomorrow I am going to play bingo with some friends for my birthday, Saturday Anoka is having their parade so we are going to that, and Sunday we are going to carve out pumpkin! This weekend we will surely have time for naps and more!

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